Who am I?

I’m an author, dog and horse mom, entrepreneur, educator, and podcaster from Washington State, determined to make a difference in the categories of courage, freedom, and identity.

It has become my life’s mission to help you really BE YOU.

Why? Because I know what it’s like to feel not me. And we all deserve better.

I’ve had years of hiding behind jobs, husbands, and conventional ideas of what I should be doing.

After way too much, something in me snapped. Life is meant to be lived…FULLY. That means stepping into the things we quite often shy away from.

When faced with big ideas, dreams, or challenges, so many turn away. Why? Because it’s hard.

Society, history, EVERYTHING teaches us that we should be afraid. That we should settle for the paved road, not the rugged trail, and, especially, not blaze our own.

As a former park ranger, I must say, don’t cut your own trail in nature. But in life, please DO. You have it in you.

My paved road led to a husband, a degree, and abuse. I escaped, but replaced it with more dependency, and then - surprise! - another bad-for-me situation that looked good to the world around me (and to the girl inside of me, desperate for approval). I got caught in a cycle of feeling never enough. But, then, pushed to the limit, I leapt away. I broke barriers and realized that THERE ARE NO LIMITS but what we believe.

And yet we hesitate, still.

Without a safety net, without a support network, without a sure fire guarantee of success, we feel vulnerable, weak, and scared. Where’s our courage?

There it is, hiding right behind the couch. But we can coax it out. How? By a number of things, starting with reconnectining with what’s REAL and replacing the fear with empowered perception.

Dive right in using the menu above and start with some great listens at THE KEY TO COURAGE PODCAST.

For support, join THE WARMTH group on facebook.

We’ve got courses in the mix, more programs on the way, FREE RESOURCES, videos, and a whole slew of stuff for your NEW path to FREEDOM. Because isn’t that what we all want? Freedom to live our own lives exactly as we are? The REAL us, no strings attached? Time to take a deep breath and know that you are here, where it all can happen. Welcome.

Here’s my crazy life in a nutshell:

1999 - Left Washington for college in California.

2002 - Married a special forces guy. Jobs included working for the Navy as a medical clerk and with children with autism.

2003 - Graduated with a degree in History from the University of San Diego.

2005 - Escaped abusive marriage #1. Moved across the country to PA/NJ to take a park guide job with the NPS, sight unseen. Divorced.

2007 - Moved back across the country to WA to take another park job as an Interpretive Specialist. New man followed me, yippee.

2009 - Left conventional career to pursue songwriting and work on novel.

2010 - Married law enforcement ranger guy. Moved across the country again, this time to TN, following husband.

2011-2013 - Learned of husband’s secret life as a sex and porn addict (the rug-pull, less than a year after the wedding). Stuck it out, sought help, tried it all. Finished novel, rescued horses, worked odd jobs, tried to grow.

2014-2017 - Moved north to MD/PA as rescue tactic. Started business, building ideas, recording songs, but constant cloud. Discovered same lies again (it was the lies more than anything).

2018 - Left him. Took a job as an innkeeper across the country in CA as a first step. Moved north to WA as the next. Very humbled, with a large amount of accumulating debt. Lived with parents.

2019 - Kept building, but had to support fur family. Housekeeper, barista, car sales.

2020 - Changed name, claimed my true identity. Writing, growing, still working on businesses, but had to Covid-time pivot. Took a job as a dog bather.

2021 - Moved slightly south to run a ranch and live closer to my horses. Divorce #2 was made official by zoom. Wasn’t a good work situation, so, moved back up north to couch crash again.

2022 - Found an apartment and a “job” to pay the bills. Although overwhelmed, kept going with the build. Lessons learned. Kept writing. Started podcast.

2023 - Lost one of my puppers. The absolute hardest year of my life. Left my toxic 9-5 to live TRUE. Still sorting things out. But here I am, stepping into the REAL me so that I can help YOU.

2024 - The world is our oyster!